domingo, 24 de abril de 2016

PRO/PORT> Elizabethkingia - EUA (WI, MI), surto, fonte de infecção desconhecida, OMS/WHO

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International Society for Infectious Diseases

Data: Domingo, 24 de abril de 2016
Fonte: OPAS/PAHO [21/04/2016] [editado]

Elizabethkingia - United States of America
On 11 April 2016, the National IHR Focal Point of the United States of
America notified PAHO/WHO of an outbreak caused by _Elizabethkingia

>From 1 November 2015 to 30 March 2016, a total of 57 cases were
reported from Wisconsin (56) and Michigan (1), including 18 deaths.
The majority of the cases had _E. anophelis_ isolated from the
bloodstream. Other cases had the bacterium isolated from other sites,
including respiratory systems and joints.

Most cases are over the age of 65 years and all have serious
underlying health conditions. It has not yet been determined whether
the deaths associated with this outbreak were caused by the bacterial
infection, the patients' comorbidities, or both.

Many potential sources of the bacteria have been assessed, including
water sources, health care facilities, medications and personal care
products, though no common source has been identified to date.
Investigations are ongoing.

Public health response
Health authorities in the United States are taking the following
- administering antibiotic treatment to those with E. anophelis
- providing information about infection control and antimicrobial
susceptibility patterns to all health care providers, infection
prevention specialists and laboratories state-wide.

WHO risk assessment
Although _Elizabethkingia anophelis_ is commonly found in the
environment, particularly in soil and water, it rarely causes illness
in humans. A few small, localized outbreaks were reported before,
usually in healthcare settings. The current outbreak in the United
States is the largest known outbreak of _Elizabethkingia_ on record.

Since the transmission route of the bacteria remains unknown and
bacteria primarily infects people with serious underlying health
conditions further cases can be expected. PAHO/WHO continues to
monitor the epidemiological situation and conduct risk assessment
based on the latest available information.

WHO advice
PAHO/WHO encourages national public health authorities to report any
cluster of _E. anophelis_ and the potential identified cause by using
the established communication channels under the International Health
Regulations (2005).

Comunicado por: ProMED-PORT <>

[As informações acima acerca de tempo-pessoa-lugar não permitem
estabelecer possíveis vínculos entre os casos e as fontes de
infecção potencialmente relacionadas ao surto.

Vamos acompanhando.

- Mod. RNA]

[Veja também:
2016: ano 19 do ProMED-PORT

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  1. Gato, seu blog tá todo bagunçado, cheio de símbolos, ou é algum modo de leitura mesmo?
